Code of Conduct

A Guide to Cycling Etiquette and EBTC Culture to Make for Safe and Fun Experiences

The Board communicates any changes via the Newsletter before they are updated here. (2023_12)

View as downloadable pdf file.


This Code of Conduct has been created by the EBTC Board with the following goals in mind:

  • To improve EBTC spirit.
  • To enhance the safety of EBTC members.
  • To define good cycling etiquette.
  • To define a clear set of expectations regarding members’ behavior so that everyone has a common point of reference when clarification is needed.
  • To communicate the collective wisdom of group cycling for EBTC members.
  • To make rides more enjoyable.
  • To encourage our members to volunteer in various ways.
  • To provide EBTC members with a common idea of the numerous and varied factors that when combined, create pleasurable group rides.

The Code of Conduct

  • EBTC strives to promote a safe and enjoyable cycling environment for all our members in the company of other cyclists.
  • EBTC endeavours to lead by example and relies on each of our members to take responsibility to achieve this. By being an EBTC member, we are expected to adhere to this code of conduct for the safety of others. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.
  • Safety is paramount for the enjoyment of cycling. Awareness and consideration of others are fundamental to ensuring a cycling environment that is safe and fun. It is the responsibility of each member to practice safety in respect of their own actions, as well as being friendly, courteous and respectful in their conduct towards other cyclists, motorists and road/trail users.

Personal Equipment

  • A helmet that meets approved standards, must be worn on all rides.
  • Road worthiness of bicycles and equipment must be maintained.
  • Personal Identification should be carried with you at all times.
  • Extra tube and basic tools should be carried in case of a flat. If you don’t know how to fix a flat, other members will happily help out if you carry the appropriate equipment.
  • Water is critical, especially on hot summer days.
  • A mobile phone is highly recommended, should you require more support than the group can offer. Useful to call AMA, or to make the ride leader aware of a situation.
  • When the ride description states that RWGPS is required for a ride, cyclists must come with the route downloaded on their mobile phones or bike computers. RWGPS can be used live however requires the use of data on your phone.

Riding Etiquette and Conduct

  • Be predictable. Ride in a consistent manner.
  • Do not swerve or change rate of travel unexpectedly.
  • Indicate – learn accepted cycling hand signals and use them.
  • Call out hazards. The rider in front is responsible for those following.
  • Keep an even pace. Do not brake or slow unexpectedly. Be aware that there is a compounding effect for those following.
  • Look ahead at what is happening on the road and anticipate the moves of the cyclists ahead of you.
  • Keep adequate distance. Avoid overlapping wheels. If your front wheel touches the rear wheel of the rider in front of you, you will fall.
  • Be defensive to stay safe.
  • Obey the rules of the road, bicycles are classified as vehicles under provincial legislation. Conduct yourself with the same consideration as you would expect from any other road user. Aggressive behaviour or gestures by cyclists could alienate motorists and lead to endangering themselves or other cyclists.
  • Stop at all red traffic lights and stop signs. When riding alone, obey traffic signals and proceed when conditions permit.
  • Do not hold up following traffic. Ride single file on single-lane and busy roads where motor vehicles are frequently coming past. In Alberta, it is illegal to ride two abreast unless passing. When overtaking slower riders or vehicular traffic do so in a prompt manner ensuring that you are not impeding the free flow of other cyclists or motorists.
  • During a no-drop ride, if the group is split when arriving at an intersection/turn, the leading riders should stop and wait in a safe place or slow down to enable the trailing riders to rejoin them.
  • On all EBTC rides, follow the planned route and any verbal directions given by the Ride Leader.  Do not wander off without the Ride Leader knowing your intention. Trying to find you will disrupt the rider and other riders’ experience.

Crossing Major Highways and Uncontrolled Intersections

  • At an uncontrolled intersection when riding alone, select a gap in traffic that will be safe, then proceed with caution. Follow any verbal directions given by your Ride Leader for crossing a major highway.
  • Do not unduly hold up motor vehicle traffic at intersections, e.g. do not wait in a driving lane for slower riders to catch up.

Respect for Others

  • EBTC members are expected to treat each other and members of the general public with respect. Concerns with disruptive conduct or riding etiquette that are not been resolved should be discussed with the Ride Leader or a member of the EBTC Board of Directors. Serious violations may result in expulsion from EBTC.
  • Remember that whenever you ride you are representing the cycling community.

Organization and Support

  • Ride Leaders are responsible for ensuring that good order and safety are maintained during a ride. Every rider must follow the Ride Leaders direction and decisions during a ride. Every rider must follow the Ride Leader’s direction and decisions during a ride.
  • Ride Leaders should identify new members, be welcoming to them and ensure they are looked after by another club member during a ride.

Choosing Your Ride

  • EBTC offers rides at a broad range of riding difficulty levels. Riders are responsible for reading ride descriptions in order to select rides that are a good fit for them and that are consistent with their riding abilities and goals.
  • Training rides are usually ‘drop’ rides, intended to improve cycling fitness. Participants are not expected to hold back or periodically wait for anyone who cannot keep up. It is critical that participants understand how these rides are organized by reading the ride descriptions or by reaching out to the ride leader to get clarification.
  • Social rides are usually no-drop rides with periodic group-ups. Participants should read the ride descriptions carefully or seek clarification as these rides are also organized at various levels of difficulty based on terrain, distance, pace, support, etc.
  • A Ride Leader may check in with riders prior to a ride to see if they understand how the ride is organized (pacing, sweeps, drop/no-drop ride).
  • See the separate page Choosing Your Ride

Riding in a Group

  • EBTC rides are group rides where participants have the best experience if the group remains reasonably together. As a ‘recreational’ cycling club, EBTC riders are not expected to draft or ride in a peloton.
  • It is therefore preferable for cyclists of equal ability and fitness to ride together. 10 to 15 riders are a manageable group size for EBTC Rides unless otherwise specified.
  • Ride Leaders may request one of the participants to sweep the group.
  • If the strength of a group varies significantly, the Ride Leader may split the group and nominate a second Ride Leader to lead the secondary grouping.
  • Many EBTC ride routes are on Ride with GPS (RWGPS).
  • If RWGPS is required for a ride per the ride description, participants are expected to know how to use it and to find directions on a device to navigate the ride on their own.
  • If RWGPS is not required, as for a Social no-drop ride, the RWGPS route may still be available. Participants may then choose to use RWGPS to supplement the Ride Leader’s step by step verbal directions to have a better idea or to record the
  • It is unreasonable for a rider to expect a group to wait for them if they chose a ride with a ride description that is clearly more appropriate for stronger riders.

Club Spirit

  • EBTC is a voluntary club, run by volunteers, for volunteers. Our success in serving EBTC members interests and needs depends on the volunteer effort of all of our members. As well as benefiting from EBTC, it is important for members to also think about what they can do for EBTC.
  • Every member is encouraged to volunteer for EBTC events and to pitch in to help out whenever possible. We always need Ride Leaders, sweeps and a range of other non-ride volunteer skills to help run EBTC.
  • Cooperate with fellow riders so that fun and work are shared equally.
  • Promote EBTC spirit by riding with EBTC members as often as possible.
  • When passing fellow members and other cyclists, greet them in a polite and friendly manner and let them know you are passing them on the left.
  • Acknowledge patient and considerate conduct by motorists and other road users with a friendly Thank You” wave.
  • EBTC members are encouraged to attend the Club Annual General Meeting and social events. During rides and at social events, particular care should be taken to make attendees feel welcome.

If you have questions about the EBTC Code of Conduct, please contact us.

Copyright © Edmonton Bicycle & Touring Club. All rights reserved. 

Contact: membership

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Last Updated on August 19, 2024