
April 3, 2022 Newsletter

Find out about: Winter Ride Report,2022 Cycle Season Launch,Upcoming Social Event Read the Full Newsletter here.

March 9, 2022 Newsletter

Find out about: AGM ReportReview of the 2022 Season,Cycling 101-On Road Rear Derailleur Adjustment,From the Saddle-2 Day Guadeloupe Bike Ride Read the full newsletter here.

February 14, 2022 Newsletter

Find out about: 2021 AGM President's Message'Birkebeiner Volunteers,Cycling 101-Plan your Cycling Season and Setting Objectives,From the Saddle-Guadeloupe Discovery and Leisure Read the full Newsletter here.

January 25, 2022 Newsletter

Find out about: President's Message,Ride Announcements,From the Saddle-Edmonton Cycling and Walking Infrastructure,Mountain Biking in Malaga, Spain. Read the full Newsletter here.

Fall 2021 Member Survey Results

Last fall we asked all members to complete a short survey. We had 177 responses, a little under a 50% response rate. Some of the highlights have already been presented in two Newsletter articles. Frequency distributions for all questions have been posted on the...

December 7, 2021 Newsletter

Find out about: Volunteer Appreciation,Winter RidesMembership Survey Results Read the full newsletter here.

Winter Cycling- Useful tips

Whether you are an old pro at winter cycling or a newbie, here are some useful tips from our Nov 21 Newsletter

Ride with GPS training video

Are you new to this new fangled technology using GPS? Don Marcotte and Scott Keast have produced a tutorial video about Ride with GPS that may help you. Give it a look......RWGPS For ‘how to’ sign up for and use your free EBTC account,check out our webpage explaining...

Last Updated on August 19, 2024