Season Summary 2023

We ended 2023 with 361 members, a modest increase of about 30 from 2022.

EBTC offered over 235 rides with about 1800 total registrations. Of the total rides, 194 were various weekly Series rides, 12 were Unique once a season rides and 30 were in the new Pop-up category.

During pandemic restrictions, Social rides were severely curtailed. This season they sprang back big time, with about 75% of total registrations.

Because winter riding conditions are so uncertain, in the 2022/23 winter season we added a Winter Pop-up Riders List to allow rides to be added on short notice. We kept the list for summer/fall pop-up rides, with eventually 120 members registered to receive email notifications when new rides were added. Over the summer there were not many pop-ups as Unique rides could be scheduled some time in advance. When October rolled around and the weather happened to remain suitable for riding, another 9 Pop-up rides were added. The list worked so well that for the Fall/Winter season it was expanded to provide notifications of short-notice walks as well. Watch for more walks yet to come (but you must renew your membership for 2024 walks and rides).

Last Updated on May 15, 2024